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It's true, 2022 is almost over! It's been an incredible year for us at Care Indeed and we're looking forward to what's coming in 2023. But before we get ahead of ourselves (and start thinking about how to make our 2023 more amazing), it's important to take a moment to honor those who have helped us be successful this year.One person we want to highlight is Sheryll Duso. Sheryll has been an incredible asset to our team since joining us seven years ago. She helps keep our patients healthy and well cared for by providing compassionate care that makes them feel safe and comfortable. We are so lucky to have her on our team!Here are some of the highlights of her interview:
1. Tell us a little bit about your journey in the healthcare field?
I've always had a passion for helping people, but I wasn't sure exactly in what capacity I wanted to do that. So my counselor suggested I take a career personality quiz to see which field would be right for me. The results showed that nursing was the best fit—and it's been such an incredible experience so far!I love being able to help people on a personal level, not just as part of a larger company or institution. Giving back to the community is important, and nursing is a wonderful way to do that.
2. What drove you to become a professional Nurse?
I’m the youngest out of 7 and am currently the only one in the nursing field. I want to return the favor to my parents and take care of them, but I also have a strong desire to help others. Caring for elderly people is important to me because they have had so much life experience and can teach us how to be better.
3. What do you like most about your job?
I love my job because seeing my clients happy and smiling is so fulfilling.I'm amazed by their stories and how much they have to offer, even though they may have been through so much. They are always happy to see me, and it's such a joy to see them smile. I love being able to help them feel like they can talk about what they're going through and get help doing something about it.
4. What do you like to do in your spare time?
I'm not sure I have much spare time—I'm always working on something.But when I do have a chance to relax, I like to spend time in nature. I like hiking, especially in mountainous terrain. My husband and I have done some pretty serious hikes together, including one that was 13 miles long!
5. How would you describe Care Indeed's culture?
I think Care Indeed has a culture of trust, which is really important in any workplace. I'll put it in an analogy: it's like basketball. They won't tell you what to do because they know you're good at it. But they also don't have a problem with you trying new things and learning from your mistakes. You're having fun while learning and improving, which makes the whole process much more enjoyable!
6. What do you think about being the employee of the month?
I think it's a great honor to be named employee of the month. It's an important recognition of your hard work and dedication and can help motivate you to keep up the good work. I'm very thankful for the opportunity to be recognized this way.
7. Is there anything you want to share with your colleagues?
I think the most important skill to learn is how to take care of your client like you would take care of your own family. And I don't think the book teaches that. Everyone's family is different, and every client has their own needs, but it's so important to remember that the people you're working with are real, and they matter.

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