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The past two years, 2023 and 2024, have been some of the most unforgettable of my life. As the owner of a home care agency, my world has been a whirlwind of highs and lows, filled with triumphs, emotions, challenges, and profound personal discoveries. I’ve faced some of the darkest corners of my mind, moments where the thought of escaping it all felt like a breath of fresh air. But in those darkest times, I discovered something surprising about myself: I didn’t want to quit—I just couldn’t keep living the way I was, entirely consumed by Care Indeed, both day and night.

There were times when I felt utterly lost, as if my happiness was directly tied to the success of Care Indeed. I felt on top of the world when the company was doing well. But when it struggled, I felt myself falling apart. I was trapped in a situation I had created, wanting to run and hide but unable to break free. The praise from clients and caregivers felt like a lifeline, lifting my spirits. But when criticism came or people walked away, it felt like a slow, poisonous drip, eating away at my sense of self. I realized that I had lost my own identity in my work; so deeply had I tied my worth to the approval of others. And in this industry, where nothing is ever certain, those moments of praise can quickly turn into moments of criticism.

As the years went by, I began to feel increasingly unsettled—not just within the walls of Care Indeed but within the entire industry. Somewhere along the way, I started feeling a deep need for genuine connection, yet I couldn’t seem to find it. It seemed like every relationship was built on transactions—everyone needed something from someone else for the connection to exist. I didn’t know how to process this feeling, this sense that real, genuine connection was missing.

I remember hearing someone say, "You can’t grow your business if you hate it," and those words struck a chord with me. There was a time when I looked at Care Indeed and felt nothing but pain—pain from what I perceived as betrayal, abandonment, and a lack of authenticity. I wanted to create a perfect world where people were kind, truthful, and supportive of each other. I realized I needed to make a change. I had to choose to love my business again, to reconnect with the passion and purpose that had driven me to start this journey in the first place.

But this battle wasn’t just with my business but with myself. I had to face what I had been denying for so long: fear. Fear of losing everything I had worked so hard to build. Fear that maybe I wasn’t good enough to carry this role I’ve held for 14 years. Fear had become a heavy anchor, holding me down and making me doubt myself at every turn.

I had to come to terms with the fact that kindness and vulnerability are not weaknesses. True leadership and sustainability in this industry means being proud of yourself and not pretending to be someone else just to succeed. Some might see it as a weakness, but kindness and vulnerability have been the foundation of this company for 14 years.

I won’t sugarcoat it—life is hard. Running a business is hard. But I’ve never lost sight of why I need to keep going. I’ve felt the guilt of wanting to be alone, of not being in a good space mentally. I’ve felt the guilt of feeling lonely and joyless, even though, on the surface, I had everything anyone could want—a successful business, and a secure life.

Through all the challenges, I have found a deeper meaning in life. This is my story, and I’m proud of it. I’ve learned that valuing the lives of others—whoever they may be—gives my life real purpose, even when it means sacrificing a bit of myself in the process.

It’s always been easier for me to love others, to care for them, even when I struggle to love myself. But I’ve realized that caring for others is a purpose that’s deeply rooted in my soul. I’ve felt the most intense emotions, but I’ve come out stronger, more self-aware, and more in touch with who I truly am.

Networking has never been easy for me. I’m not great at small talk. I crave depth, meaningful connections, and conversations that matter. This journey has taught me that the deepest connections often start with the courage to be vulnerable, to be genuine, to be myself. I’ve also come to understand that networking is about human connection, and not every conversation needs to be profound. I need to accept people as they are and recognize that everyone can only give what they’re capable of at any given moment.

As we step into September, I want to remind myself—and everyone reading this—that our journeys are unique, and our stories are ours to tell. Don’t be afraid to face your fears, to feel every emotion, and embrace the discomfort that comes with growth. Only then can we truly transform, not just as business owners but as people finding our true purpose.

Fear can be crippling. Fear tells us to hide, to protect ourselves, to believe that things won’t work out, and that all our hard work will be for nothing. I’m here to tell you: Don’t listen to that fear. Even when it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done, don’t give in to it. Show up every day and keep going—for yourself.

My story is still being written, and I hope that by sharing a glimpse into my world, regardless of how others may view it, we can all be proud of whatever phase we are in life. Let’s forgive ourselves for our mistakes and learn to enjoy life. Never be ashamed of your story—because it’s yours alone. I hope this encourages compassion towards others, knowing that no one really knows the struggles someone else might be facing, regardless of their successes and smiles.

As we move through the last few months of 2024,  I invite everyone to find the strength to keep pushing forward, no matter how tough it gets. Let’s find joy in the journey and love in the lessons we learn along the way.

Embrace your story. Embrace your growth.

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