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My grandparents raised me so seniors hold a special place in my heart. Becoming a caregiver would be a good way to honor them. What will make me a great care provider? I hope to be a nurse in four years.



A great caregiver has traits and work habits that stand out. Besides the desire to help, you need to demonstrate empathy by being able to put yourself in your client’s shoes to know what it’s like to ask people for help. If you can totally put yourself in the place of who you are caring for, you will do nothing but provide excellent care.

Compassion is a core charateristic of an excellent caregiver. Show that you really care by communicating sensitively with your client and their loved ones. Listen attentively. Respect your client’s values, culture, choices, and decisions. Do what you can to help.Have patience. Seniors tend to move slowly, respond slowly or repeat conversations. Adjust your pace to the pace of the person you are caring for. Allow your client to do as much as they can for themselves, and avoid doing things that they can do for themselves.Your client counts on you to be there. Be reliable; show up unless there is an emergency. Be trustworthy. When you provide care to a vulnerable senior, you are invited into their home (near their valuables) and you hold a position of trust. Respect the client’s property and personal belongings, and keep the client’s information confidential. Be flexible. You must be open to change because whether you like it or not, change will happen. If you cannot leave your client alone or unattended, be prepared to stay on your shift longer until your reliever arrives.A caregiver is someone with love in his or heart, and the knowledge and desire to make a patient’s journey an easier one. If you can find joy in taking care of others, are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty, can take care of yourself so you can provide better care, and are able to remind yourself that you are doing the best that you can, you are a great caregiver.-VANESSA

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