2 mins

The end of the year is almost here, and it's usually a time of reflecting on where we are, where we've been, and who we want to be. This can be a scary place – the precipice of change.Entering an unfamiliar territory can be unsettling, and it can make you beat yourself up for not doing enough, for the mistakes you've made, or for being afraid. But don't let the negative self-talk hold you back. Instead, recognize that your history doesn't have to be your destiny. We have the choice to let go and the power to start over.Speaking of change, with so many companies rebranding themselves— we often wonder, is it time to rebrand Care Indeed? Last week we had a chance to meet one of our new clients who was known for his success in his industry sector. During our conversation, he told us that one of the things he learned in life is that social status, money, and fame are nothing without love and purpose. He confirmed our belief that to make an impact in our society, we need to be doing something fundamentally good, kind, and honest.This made us realize how much we believe in the work we do here at Care Indeed; our brand is centered around honest work that improves the quality of life for people. We believe in kindness as a fundamental value. As your chosen leaders, we strive to provide you - with consistency toward excellence and accountability.This year was centered around hope, comfort, and healing. You've dedicated your lives to something bigger. And whether you realize it or not, this year wouldn't have been possible without you.See? You’ve accomplished a lot. This is the time to celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small they seem. This is the time to recognize your progress- it doesn’t matter if it was monumental or simple; what matters is that you did it and made progress. As we look back on this 2022, we are grateful that you have overcome challenges with grace and grit. You taught us that no matter what happens, we can always find ways to care for others and improve their lives. You showed us how to chase beauty even when things are tough.The journey was long, but we've made it. Uncertainties were inevitable, but we have discovered our newfound strength and clarity.Always know that we appreciate everything you do. Thank you for being part of this memorable and amazing journey. Thank you for being our inspiration to always improve and be better from the day before.

Forever grateful,

Dee & Vee

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