COVID and Sheltering in Place have made taking care of a loved one with dementia much more challenging, demanding, and difficult and it’s brought to the surface a lot of underlying feelings and emotions. In this webinar, Tami discusses some of her COVID C.A.R.E.© strategies to help caregivers survive these unsettling and difficult times. If you missed this webinar, watch it on our YouTube channel, here.
About the guest speaker: Tami Anastasia is an Alzheimer’s and Dementia Consultant and Educator. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling, a Certificate in Gerontology, and a Certificate in End of Life. She also has a private practice in Los Gatos called TAMS Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support and provides one on one family caregiver support, guidance, and strategies to help make the dementia journey easier on the caregiver. She also works with people with dementia and provides cognitive and physical stimulation. In addition, Tami facilitates 3 local Dementia Caregiver Support Groups and has partnered with ElderConsult conducting monthly educational workshops.